Wednesday, November 26, 2008


1. My daughter, Tayler-I couldn't be blessed with a sweeter kid. We have so much fun together; I can honestly be 100% myself around her and that is nice to have.
2. My Family-They give me inspiration, we have lots of fun together, and they are always there for support when I need it.
3. My Friends-I have a few good friends I have been close to for years. My friend Angel (14 years) is unconditional in her friendship; Marsha (19 years) doesn't mind if we don't talk for weeks even though we live in the same community; Erica (27 years) has always been a friend who makes me feel I have accomplished so much in my life. She is such a caring person and always asks about my family. Randee (4 years) has been through many of the trials in life I have. She would bend-over-backward to help me out. I am truly thankful I met her.
4. My gymnastics family-Many of these ladies have become dear friends to me. They have welcomed me and Tayler to the community and provided a network that feels like we have family in town.
5. My Job-I couldn't ask for better bosses and a better working environment. I've been running my own office for four years now and the flexibility has really been a blessing for me and Tayler.
6. My dog, Roxy Girl-4 years ago I wouldn't believe a dog would be in the top things I'm thankful for. She brings so much joy and unconditional love to our household. When Tayler is gone to school, gymnastics, or a friends she keeps me company so I don't get too lonely.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! We are headed to Riverdale tomorrow. I will be sure to get pictures. We will miss you. Especially while we are playing Yahtzee!
